[quote=Marc] I wouldn't mind coming back but I might have some trouble picking up where I left off [/quote] We can cut your teeth on some lunchtime chit-chat. Topic: Whose Tamer Kicks All Other Tamers' Butts. I PM'd you a while back to kickstart - Go, go, go! :D [quote=Kyara] I'm here but going home today where there may not be internet for awhile :( [/quote] Oh no, when will Home give you back to us? D: [quote=Erranruin] tHE NERVE D:< ... I'm pretty sure you PMed me its just I havent had a chance to reply -n- I'm a terrible person [/quote] Blasphemy! [img=http://31.media.tumblr.com/577977f2cfcc4eed93e4444a30b2b069/tumblr_mu0aaise2U1sj5zzko1_400.gif] [quote=Ghirardelli] Tell whoever your tangled up with to let go :phmmm, have to think on that, depends on how Dragons hold to family ties if at all. [/quote] That's a good point to bring up. Are 'clutchmates' akin to biological siblings? You know, I always considered it to be more a sentiment than anything literal. Like saying "Hey bro," to someone who isn't from the same mister or mother. Soon as I detangle, I'm sending you a request to tango. [quote=Soulserenity20] I just want to see some of the collars getting up XD as best as we can manage [/quote]Haven't even put the placeholders up, is how fail I am. Sorry Soul! But yes, the collabs should be fun to read and write along to! Hope it hasn't pressured people to the point where they don't feel like writing. I know mine are meant to be cas'... don't think that was made clear because I write too much, though. Ooooops...