Avalon did not realise where she was at first. She remembered screams, flashes and then the sickening thunk of her head hitting a wall. But she did not hurt anymore; in fact, right now she felt absolutely nothing. Slowly and cautiously, she moved her fingers in the ripple formation. She could move every part of her body. However, she still felt nothing but the odd sensation of zero-gravity. When she opened her eyes, she realised it was because of her location. A tube located in a huge row of tubes. She looked to the right tube, empty. The left had a person floating upside down in litres of fresh green liquid. Avalon noticed that she too was in this liquid, her long brown hair was floating around her and creating the eeriness of her own situation. She knew exactly who had put her in one of these tubes. She was raised on the very fear of them. The Vitus. She let out a huge sigh of relief she still had her life, but not for long unless she escaped, or so she thought anyway. She noticed a few others had escaped, and a dead Vitus lay obstructed in her view. The sickness of the way it looked almost made her throw up, but she found she could not. Instead, she tapped the glass to see how thick it was.