Maemion stared at the night sky as time went by. He forgot how boring being a watchman was. He and Surani chatted for a small bit at the start, but she seemed to be absorbed with her diary for the moment. He had already finished his writing for the night and frankly, couldn't be bothered writing anymore until the morning. He looked back down to the fire in front of him. The flames danced and licked the air with their usual grace. The fire was going strong and didn't seem to be dying out any time soon. He felt his eye's flutter and eventually close before he was lost in his dreams. His dreams were the same every night. They were either some sort of muffled flashback or nightmares of his one true fear. The fear itself wasn't actually something to be really all that afraid of, it just happened to be something he was terrified of. It was always just of some sort of king staring at him blankly. But there was always something off about the king, he always had some aura of darkness around him, like he was going to do something evil, but he had yet to actually do it. The worst part about it was that Maemion had to just sit there, staring at the king. When he was a young boy he'd often have sleepless nights because of the nightmares. He was lucky to be pulled out of the nightmare sooner than regularly this time. Well, lucky in the sense that he didn't have to look at the king, but unlucky in the sense that several dragons were circling overhead while fighting the very people that the party was headed to meet. His eyes shot open and he leaped from his seat. His head scoured around the area, searching every nook and cranny for something to fight them with. His bow and arrow couldn't hit the dragons no matter how good he was and he doubted they'd have any real effect this far away anyway. Soon enough he didn't have the choice of attack as snow was covering him head to toe and he was no longer conscious. He could hear talking and shouting. His eyes shot open and his back straightened as quickly as possible. He hadn't lost anything par a few arrows so he was pretty much ready to go. He stood up and stretched his back. "We should get going as soon as possible, the Greybeards probably saw our camp before it was covered with snow and are probably expecting us."