Elizabeth stood up slowly, and noticed there were three people in the room with her, and one Vitus. Then the one with his arms on fire promptly attacked the Vitus, charring it. She jumped back to avoid being hit by the fire that missed the Vitus. She growled, fighting the urge to shift back into a wolf and jump on his jugular. Her fingers crack and turn into her wolf claws for a moment before she gets control once more and glares at the man. She takes a few breaths to help calm herself before glaring at the others. She had to be careful not to piss them off, who knew what the others could do. What they are capable of. "Are you okay?" She hears from the other woman. "I mean, do you need that put out?" She watched as this other woman walked toward them. "Put it out anyway, I almost got singed myself." Elizabeth snarls, before realizing the Vitus would be heading their way soon. "On second thought, don't. We might need Mr.Fire to scorch a few more. We should get moving, try to free anyone else we see." Then she heard tapping on glass, and walked over to where the sound came from, moving the Vitus corpse from in front of the tube. "Hey we got one here. Someone bust her out."