[center]Greetings wizards and wit, oh wait. No, that's the wrong one... ehm.... Greetings, Superheroes and villians! This is the OOC for my newest Superhero RP: The Rise of Omega, a quick story-thingy before we start. And a quick note, it's late in the evening while writing this and I'm tired. Forgive me if I made some mistakes! --------------------- [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs48/f/2009/221/3/8/City_Concept_2_by_frenic.jpg[/img] The year is 2095, the world as we know it today has changed. In 2017, when the world was in a second cold war between America, combined with Europe and Russia, the prices of everything skyrocketed and led to an all round chaos on all markets. At the end of 2017, multiple countries started attacking other countries, which didn't help the situation. Only problem was, nobody knew what to do, while the chaos expanded and slowly reached other countries, which in the beginning held stand pretty well, such as China, Japan and Saudi Arabia. In 2020, the UN decided that the economic and political struggles of the past were the down fall of the world as we then knew it. The UN, determined to make it stop, gathered all leaders and started a new constitution. This constitution was called Constitution Alpha and held a wide variety of changes in. The most important two were that, because this was a new clean sheet, a new beginning (hence the name Alpha), every nation had the duty to rebuild their capital or build a new one. The other change was that all countries had to use the same currency; The Çoin. Japan, which was hit by multiple smaller nuclear bombs around Tokyo, decided to build a new Tokyo, called New Tokyo. (Yeah, logic, I know.) New Tokyo was built upon the ruins of an old village town. Half of New Tokyo wass build on water, the other half build on land. The city was one of the first of the 'New Wave' to be finished and, because of that, drew a lot of people in and grew out to be the biggest city of the world. But, the crime rates have never been higher, since 2089, the crime rates went up higher than ever before and still are. So that's why, in 2093, Tokyo announced that everyone with abnormal powers, magic powers, supernatural powers, transforming powers, and so on are allowed to use them IF it's in name of the law. Anyone who doesn't abide this rule is kill on sight for the police. [img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs39/PRE/f/2008/348/a/c/Nightfall_City_concept_by_Jett0.jpg[/img] ------ Aaaaand that's about it, now keep in mind that it's mostly still work in progress! But, the CS is down below and I'm accepting Character Sheets. [b]Real Name: What is your character really called. e.g. Bruce Wayne, Peter Parker. Aliases: Nicknames, e.g. Batman, Spiderman, Superman. Good or evil?: What kind of 'super' is he? Good? Evil? In between? Age: How old is your character e.g. 12, 59, 69. Gender: Male or Female or.... You get this, don't you? Race: e.g. Human, alien, mutants. If you're not sure if I'll approve it, just PM me with it. (picture appreciated) Appearance Normal: How your character normally looks like. (picture appreciated) Appearance Superhero/villian: How your character looks like while doing/fighting crime. (picture appreciated) Rivals or Friends: (if you have none yet, you can just leave this open. Or ask others if they want to be your enemy/friend!) Powers: What makes your character special. e.g. Lasereyes? Super stretch? Iron claws? Super speed? You get it. Weapons/equipments/items: Does your character use weapons or anything? e.g. guns, swords, bombs. (picture appreciated) Strength: What makes your character stronger? Weaknesses: Wat makes your character weaker? Backstory/Personality:Most important of all, what did your character go through and such.[/b] ---- That's it! Now go get some inspiration and make up a hero or villian! Link for the chat: [[url=http://us10.chatzy.com/14275854305014]here[/url]]! [/center]