Hello all of you and welcome to the RP of the dragon and the evil scientist that try to capture and contain the mighty serpent of the sea. Though this might not work out the dragon has many ocean friends that are willing to do just about anything to get their lord back to his home. Yes the dragon is the lord of the sea creatures and of sea storms, so be careful when handling the dragon or you might loose your life. MODERN DAY ROLEPLAY NO ONE OWNS DRAGONS AND MYSTERY IS THE LAST DRAGON ALIVE PLOT : Dragon and modern day person rp its more bonding then anything. A human boy one day slips into the ocean nearly dying but the dragon saves him, the boy doesn't know if it was a dream or no but when he looked back at the ocean he saw a single very large fin disppear into the water. There is also evil scientist that when it hears about a real life dragon goes after it wanting the power but the boy might prove to be more trouble then ever (The scientist forces him to get the dragon to appear) The boy/girl refuses and jumps out of the boat, the dragon saves him once more but is caught in the process. Now the evil scientis have the dragon of the sea, but can they hold him for long ? RULES FOR SEA CREATURES THEY ARE NORMAL CREATURES LIKE ORCAS, WHALES AND FISH PEOPLE STILL NEEDED Two evil scientist A scientist that could want the dragon to go free and helps the child get it back home Some regular people that could want the dragon to go home some sea animals that are friends of Mystery that comes to help get Mystery home The child that nearly drowns but Mystery saves and the child befriends the serpent How to Join Name : Age : Role you play in rp (evil Scientist, regular person, sea creature that wants mystery home or child ?) History : Looks and apperences : My character Name : Mystery Age : over 2,600,000 years old Powers : Control over sea creatures, and sea storms History : This dragon was alive thousands of years ago, a rare sight to see but there where always stories about this dragon and how some people where saved by a mysterous creature in the deep of the ocean. Some reported glowing yellow eyes others say it was a myth and that they learned to swim and was able to get on shore. Mystery in deed is like the life guard of the ocean, he lurks mostly in the shadows of his underwater cave he calls home, he can be extremely violent when threatened but he saves people's lives. He adores small children and likes watching them grow, Mystery himself is not a dragon you want to foll around him, he is around 120 feet long, his scales are so hard all weapons only maybe give him a scratch, his eyes glow bright yellow most of the time. He has the jaw pressure enough to crunch through metal ships and leave a large hole in them. Looks like this - [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/313/0/b/sea_serpent_stage_3__rare__by_mictones-d5kftxc.jpg[/img] Personality : Just don't mess with him and you will be fine. head evil scientist : Mr. Ryan (Coming soon)