Tandagh was still wide awake with the others who decided to stand the first watch. To be honest he wasn't up because he cared for the safety of the others or was worried about being attacked while he rested or even for the fact he didn't need to sleep. He was up because he simply couldn't rest, every time he would close his eyes he would be plagued by the visions of the chard body of his creator and the old feeling of rage would wash over his body and eat away at him. Tandagh hated the blind rage and not having anyway of quenching it. The thing he could think of was going after the damned dragon's, but he knew how foolish and pointless it would be to attack a creator that could end his unlife with a simple word. The Orc was dragged out of his thoughts when the Nord that called himself Jorn approached him. He let out a low grunt as the man spoke. "One needs more than just blade and blood to win battles. And we both know that blood can only take you so far don't we?" Tandagh said in a low tone. But before the Nord could respond to Tandagh the sky started to yell over the camp's head. When Tandagh looked above he was greeted with the image that was burned into his mind, large black wings soaring over head. But only this time it was not only one set but a whole group of them. Tandagh was overwhelmed at the mere sight of the dragons, with both hatred and fear. He had imagined countless times what he would do when he encountered a dragon but all he could do was find the sense to take a knee to keep from falling over as the ground below his feet shook. He had just managed to draw his two axes when every thing went dark. It took Tandagh a few moments to realize that the cold and darkness was caused by an avalanche that had burred him under the snow. It took another few moments to dig himself from under the mound and regain his barring. His first thought was to go after the dragons with his burned body being a quick second. It was when the Dunmar spoke up about going to check on the Greybeards that he felt a bit more of purpose. Tandagh let out a low grunt before he joined the others trudging up the mountain.