Having to watch the group in order to not get caught, Tarak had not fallen asleep for a long while. Just as he was finally drifting off to sleep, he was made alert by the shouts of dragons who circled the mountain. Tarak had read about dragons at one point, but had underestimated their capabilities until now. He watched in awe as the dragons engaged in battle with the Greybeards. He thought about trying to get closer, but dismissed the idea when he realised he would die almost immediately. Tarak was trying to make sense of what was being shouted, before he was covered with snow from the avalanche. Being farther back than the group he was following, Tarak was covered in less snow; he was able to dig his way out with the use of a Bound Weapon and an extremely basic flames spell. This did not prevent him from yelling "Freedom!" - temporarily forgetting he was meant to be quiet.