As jorn chased after the Khajit he growled running up the mountain and passing the Khajit "Keep up" he said smiling as he rounded the corner and was suddenly frozen. His eyes wide "by the nine" he said at the sight. High Horthgar was a smoldering ruin. The walls torn apart as fire still burned sending large columns of black smoke high into the air. As he watched a part of the large temple sank down, soon sliding and falling down the side of the mountain as his eyes were wide with shock. This was the most sacred of places for the nords, the throat of the world. He had dreamed of seeing it ever since he was a child, to make the great pilgrimage up the seven thousand step, and now here he stood. Watching it fall apart, "We have to check for survivors" he said snapping back to reality soon running forward. Not caring he rushed into the burning ruins shouting "Greybeards! Hello!" he shouted "is anyone alive" he inhaled the air, but all he could smell was burning flesh and suit as he growled in humanly. "No, this can't be..." He turned to the Khajit, "Look over there," he said pointing to the left as he ran to the right. He could hear the anguished groans of some one, looking over seeing one of the Grey beards still alive he rushed up as a pillar laid atop of him, coughing as he looked down. "I have to get you out" he said looking grabbing that pillar. He started to lift, that heavy stone not budging as he cried out soon turning to a loud in human roar, his eyes opened as they were pure silver, he could feel the pain in his chest as he heart grew bigger inside his chest as the change was coming on him. The bones in his face started to crack, reforming as he didn't care about the pain. Soon though that pillar was lifting up, higher and higher before he tossed it back. The change stopped as he pushed it back and he grabbed the old man, pulling him and lifting him up rushed out the front. "I found a survivor" he shouted rushing out before that building collapsed and he laid the old dyeing man in the snow " the nine no..."