Real Name: James Walton Aliases: Erebus Good or evil?: Neutral though official sources usually have him classified as villain. Erebus found his abilities gave him an advantage when it came to getting him and his allies in and out of secure locations quickly and has had no compunctions about plying his talents in a number of criminal enterprises. However there are a number of documented instances of him stepping in to stop assaults, rapes, and other violent crimes in his areas of operation. Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance Normal: James is a Caucasian man with unusually pale skin, he stand 6 feet tall 170 pounds, he is in good physical condition though not overly muscular preferring to maintain a slimmer build. Thick permanently mussed dark brown hair falls to just below the top of his ears with a similarly colored close trimmed bear and mustache one shade lighter than his. Fond of luxury and often with money to spare from his various criminal enterprises James' standard wear when not on an operation is thick sunglasses, designer jeans, and a silk dress shirt with a vest or blazer, more often than not finished off with an expensive watch. Appearance Superhero/villain: When on operation his standard wear is a black padded leather jacket and gloves, reinforced motorcycle riding pants and a helmet with an extra strength visor and built in voice distorter Rivals or Friends: Powers: When in direct contact with a shadow Erebus can teleport himself and any other objects or people he is in direct contact with to any other shadow he can sense in a 25 yard radius or physically see. Erebus can also raise constructs from any shadows with 3 yards of him. A base construct will be around the same size as the the source shadow though with a variable shape and a density slightly less than water. Constructs can be condensed to solid or expanded to a thick fog like substance though doing either for an extended period of time and/or trying to control multiple constructs at once will quickly tire Erebus out. All constructs will disappear if Erebus teleports while controlling them. Finally Erebus has excellent dark vision, though normal level daylight now gives him migraines if he doesn't wear sunglasses.If the source shadow of his constructs are removed they're immediately dissipated, and though difficult do his speed if the source shadow of a teleport is removed before has a chance to emerge Erebus is returned to the source location in immense pain Weapons/equipments/items: Erebus operates equipped with a KA-BAR combat knife, a M&P 9mm pistol and an extra magazine, 31" extending baton and a garrote Strength: Remaining in the dark for extended periods of times leaves Erebus feeling more alert and powerful, his powers coming a little easier, teleports faster, constructs a little bit easier to form and control and so on Weaknesses: Erebus' powers will not function without shadows in the area, with decreasing effectiveness when said shadows are not efficiently heavy. Direct exposure to strong light will make Erebus lethargic and tired, with increasing symptoms and longer recovery time the more he is exposed. Backstory/Personality: The son of a poor British working class family James quickly developed a hunger for more than he knew he could reasonably expect from his meager origins. At age thirteen James discovered his abilities and after a few accidental public displays eroded what few connections he had James decided it was time to finally leave and seek his fortune. Traveling across the world James fell in more and more with a criminal element, developing a name and reputation for himself as a grade A transporter. Now with Erebus persona fully established he has settling in New Tokyo where he has found a steady stream of work and enough hero types to keep things interesting. (So I wasn't sure what scale of powers we were going with here so if I need to tune anything down just let me know, also if any other villain types are looking for some pre-existing associates let me know)