About a half an hour before the scheduled kickoff of the Winter Formal, Katrina stood in her dorm's bathroom. She was leaning forward toward a mirror, putting on the finishing touches of her eyeshadow and lipstick. Her golden hair, which naturally had a few loose ringlets in it, had been straightened just for this occasion and fell to mid-back with not a single lock out of place. An exquisite, strapless green dress that was embroidered with an intricate organic design hugged her bust and waist snugly and gave her form a kind of fluid and entrancing semblance and seductivity, especially when she walked in her heels that showed off her long, athletic legs. She was expecting Landon to arrive any minute to escort her to the gym where the dance was being held. Right as she put the cap back onto her red lip stick, there was a knock at her door. Katrina gave one last look into the mirror and was content with what she saw. She turned and clicked out of the bathroom tile onto the carpet and opened to front door. Landon stood there, clad in a black tuxedo. His hair was combed for once, but still retained that messy look that he always claimed was a chick magnet. "Hey, cutie," Katrina said, eying him up and down. Landon didn't respond immediately as he was literally stunned at how pretty she looked, though he got ever the shock quickly. "Hi, beautiful," Landon replied with a smile. "Your corsage." He held up his hand to reveal a corsage bracelet that showcased a mini bouquet of flowers, with a white rose as its focal point, surrounded by smaller green and white orchids. "Wow, it's just gorgeous!" Katrina exclaimed as she loved how it matched her dress. She held out her hand and Landon slipped it onto her wrist. "Not as gorgeous as you," Landon shot back with a smirk. "Au chante..." Katrina replied, flashing back a flirtatious smile. "Are you ready to escort me to the dance, Mr. Gentleman?" "Of course." Landon held out his arm for her to grab onto. After shutting and locking her dorm's door, the two of them strutted outside together, like a classy couple straight out of the Roaring Twenties. En route, although not expressed verbally, the two of them had some underlying worries about that night, the main point of concern being Kaelyn. However, the two of them had both seen how much Kaelyn had changed after leaving with her mom, which is why they thought they'd enjoy the night much more if they didn't worry about it. Just a few minutes later, Landon pushed open the doors of the darkened gym. Katrina already knew what everything looked like because she had helped to set everything up, but she was still impressed with the results of her soccer team's collective efforts, the most impressive aspect being the various colored lights around the gym that were around the gym and programed to flash and turn and change colored in sync with whatever music was playing. This gave the dance a new, modern concert-like appearance that many of the attendees were familiar with, but the dance had many other conventional dance elements, like a punch table and balloons of various colors that covered the top of the ceiling and were placed in different places around the gym. The gym was already filled with dancing students and of the more fun-loving professors. "You guys did a good job," Landon complimented as they entered together, acknowledging their hard work. "Thanks!" Katrina answered in a raised voice so he could hear her over the loud music playing. "We worked so hard on it!" Katrina and Landon made their way into the crowd of people, getting both impressed and jealous looks. Once the two of them were enveloped by the crowd, Katrina laced her arms around Landon's neck and they began to dance somewhat provocatively, as the current song slower, at about 105 beats per minute, but was more of an electro song, which merited more of a sexy dance. However, as the two of them switched between dancing and grinding, Landon couldn't help but wonder if Kaelyn was nearby and watching them, but he knew better than that. Knowing how Kaelyn was now, she was probably out there with a flask of vodka, dancing with whoever was in arm's reach, and having fun on her own.