The sound of an explosion opened Meirin's eyes. Her heqad darted back and forth, looking for enemies as she got to her feet, grabbing one of her polearms off the wall. But once her mind calmed itself, she realized that she was in her room at the Twilight college. That explosion was her fist going through the wall, a reaction to another nightmare she had. She had already forgotten what it was about. She fell to her knees, her body suddenly feeling weak. She groaned in pain and massaged her temples. [b]"What happened again?"[/b] Mei tried to remember the events from yesterday. She remembered arriving to the college. She remembered a few faces, demonstrations. She vaguely remembered something horrifying happening, something about demons. But than again just about all her nightmares had demons, so that was no help. What had happened yesterday to make her feel so numb? Struggling to get dressed, Meirin's body still felt numb. She couldn't feel her legs or her hands gripping itself, and she figured she should at least go see the healers and ensure that nothing serious was going on. She did notice that Aruna wasn't here, though Mei figured that she just woke up first, unaware of the accident that happened to her the day before. Once she was decent, Mei left her room and headed strait towards the infirmaries.