[b]Real Name:[/b] Erin Davis [b]Aliases:[/b] Nightshade [b]Good or evil?:[/b] Chaotic Neutral. [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human/Mutant [hider=Appearance Normal:] [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/191/2/3/annabee_by_rezkhandimech-d6cvc0v.jpg][/hider] [hider=Appearance Superhero/villian:] [img=http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/347/a/0/the_thief_redo_by_baranha-d4j0gur.jpg][/hider] [b]Rivals or Friends:[/b] Open to suggestions [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Acidic Blood.[/i] Erin's blood has acidic properties and is pressurized inside her body, so that it spurts out when her skin is pierced. The blood can corrode selected substances, both organic and inorganic when exposed. Erin is also skilled in close combat and uses her ability to her advantage. Her gloves are lined with small claws, which when activated, pierces through her skin, drawing blood. During combat, she uses this to smear the blood on her target, which will 'eat' through armor, skin, etc. Combined with her melee attacks, she can prove lethal in battles. [b]Weapons/equipments/items:[/b] Twin blades, as shown in picture. [b]Strength:[/b] Erin specializes in melee combat, and has mastered stealth. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Acids can be neutralized by bases, and Erin's blood is no different. The effects of her blood can be stopped when exposed to a strong base. Also, too much blood loss can weaken her like any other being. [b]Backstory/Personality:[/b] [indent]Diagnosed with blood cancer as a child, Erin was told she wouldn't have very long to live. Treatment was not affordable for her parents, and stricken with grief, they resorted to look for any means possible to save their only daughter. They were approached by a shady researcher who claimed to have discovered a miraculous cure for cancer and offered his services to the family for a cheap price. Desperate to try anything, her parents subjected her to the tests, and after a series of experiments, it seemed that her ailment was cured. It wasn't until some months later that Erin accidentally cut herself and discovered to her horror, that her blood was highly corrosive.[/indent] [indent]Erin tried leading a normal life over the years. Her parents were still struggling financially, and she helped them however she could. However, she soon discovered that the world was a hard place to live in with the absence of money and power. She finally resorted to petty thievery to make ends meet, seemingly having a natural knack for going unnoticed in large crowds. Her ability helped her even break into people's homes, as she used her blood to dissolve away the locks on doors. Eventually, she was noticed by a group of thieves, who offered to pay her more for her services. They trained her to use weapons and taught her the art of stealth to aid her on her tasks. [/indent] [indent]Erin relies on her instincts.She does whatever seems like the right thing to do, depending on how it affects her. If she sees that something is in her best interest, she will do it, even if it seems unethical. She is indifferent when it comes to deciding what's 'right' or what's 'wrong', making decisions with an unbiased heart. However, that does not mean she will commit heinous crimes. She has her own set of principles that she follows, such as helping those who help her or harming those who harm her. While she will talk to people with a smile (unless they greet her with insults), she will keep them at a distance and does not trust anyone easily. Over the years, she has met many people but few she can call friends. Though she longs for companionship, she has not yet met anyone who she would trust enough to overlook her own well-being for.[/indent]