Tanis had her eyes closed as the woman was starting to remember the journey she took from the Kanto Region..her home region and where she was from. She remembered the many battles she had, from trainers to gym leader and even more trainers at the Indigo League. From Kanto to Jhoto and all the way to Sinnoh was where her journey has taken her. "Lu." Her eyes opened at the sound of a pokemon near her, showing her lime green eyes to the world, then turned her attention to who the voice belonged to. It was her Lucario, the very same one she received as a Riolu from a close friend of hers in the Sinnoh Region. He had on a long white scarf and sported a pair of goggles on his head just like his trainer next to him. "Don't worry Lucario I heard the horn", she said then looked at him with a smile. "We're going to another region now, exciting isn't it?" He nodded his head at her. "We're going to be Pokemon Rangers now and not just any kind, we're going to be the Snow Ryders. I know it'll be just as fun to be a ranger, just like it was fun being a trainer. Though Pokemon Rangers handle different problems and help people and pokemon alike." The wind picked up near them, making their scarves and her hair flow with the wind then it died down. "Come on, let's go where the others are." The two started making their way towards the back of the ship, while weaving through people and politely excusing herself so she wouldn't push them out of the way. Tanis stood near another railing once she was at the back, then started looking around at her fellow rangers to be and back at the sea. "I can't wait to get started." "Lucario."