Niesha watched the cleaner run off, hesitated, but didn't follow. What would be the point? She headed into the coffee shop, and ordered a large hot chocolate, a piece of cake, and just for the hell of if and because the real estate lady had set her mind on cookies with that trick they did to make places seem more homely, a box of cookies that she would take home. her mother use to bake her cookies. Niesha wouldn't think on that. She couldn't, not with out completely breaking down, and she couldn't do that, not here in a coffee shop. because she actually craved human contact, she sat near a girl, and guy who seemed to be talking about rentals, and jobs. The girl seemed down on her luck, yet to Niesha she seemed like an okqy person. At least, her aura wasn't bad. The funny thing about auras thougn was they could easily change. When the girl asked about cheap rentals, she spoke up "I just got a rental about two and a half blocks from here. Not a bad place" she wondered, breifly, why she had spoken up. Why she had defended that cleaner. Well, she knew the answer to both those quesrions, she was too nice for her own good, but she had an powerfully sense of honor, and what was right or wrong. Sometimes, she just couldn't stoo herself interfering. Despite people thinking she was nothing because she was quite, serious and shy, she could easily get her point across. "Wasn't in the paper, but on a website. Apparently the owner doesn't trust the papers or something. There were a couple of other apartments avaliable"