[i]It's been a long time, and I see much has changed since then... You remember those days, don't you?[/i] Good to see this place still exists, and it's even more suave than I remember it! My name is Clockwork, Outer, or any combination of those words (RE: My username). I have been roleplaying for a long, long time and only recently decided to check up on this place again. I'll give you a brief rundown; [b][u]INTERESTS, GENRES, ETC.[/b][/u] [*]Lovecraftian Horror[/*] [*]Deep Fantasy[/*] [*]Light Fantasy[/*] [*]Nation (Any kind)[/*] [*]Historical/Realistic[/*] [*]Any combination of the above[/*] Now you may have noticed how general this list is; that's because I don't limit things, especially imagination and creativity. I'm honestly interested in anything with potential to be interesting and original. As for availability, I am available much of the time each day to write and such, as this is how I devote my free time. Feel free to message me if you think I'm a good candidate for a roleplay, I'll be sure to respond. Good to meet you all, I hope to stay in touch.