On the surface, pure white snowflakes fell from the brown-gray skies, and decorated the battered world with some relative beauty. The poisonous and radioactive green mists seemed to fade to white as well as an effect of the heavy cold. It was probably -30° celsius up there, but whatever beasts lived there probably didn't care. They lost the ability to feel a very long time ago. What few of them there are on the surface, all they know is to kill. As for the ones who hid underground, well, let's just say there isn't much of a difference between them and the beasts above. A small community of survivors had sprung forth after the apocalypse in Dalston Junction, formerly just another of London Underground's many stops and stations... But now it was a ruin, like everything else of the underground. While surprisingly few tunnels had actually collapsed during the bombings, they had fallen to decay and lack of maintenance causes them to slowly wither. Here, in Dalston Junction, there are but 50 or so survivors. Their little community is, deprived of surprise, called Dalston Camp. The ones nesting here has come to call each others friends and family, mostly, making it probably the most peaceful survivor community in the entire underground. In this particular camp, two characters are holding up. Wether it is temporary or if they're part of the community doesn't matter, what matters is that these two aren't like the other survivors. They've been out there more than most, and have their set of scars to show for it. These two are Fuaad Jamil and Jake Burrows. [hider=Map of the underground][img]http://metrouk2.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/london_underground_circle_map_2013.jpg[/img][/hider] (Warning, pic is big)