"Hm," Lola considered it. "Well, tell me; do either of you, minus the natural aches and pains, feel any different now than you did before?" Miranda gave it a thought. It was hard to discern through her sore bod frame, but something did feel strange. She remembered that odd feeling before, that awful feeling when the witch had vanished, and everything seemed so fuzzy. Could that have had anything to do with it? "I feel like...someone's breathing down my neck," she said. "Like their constantly sanding behind me....and something else I can't really say. It just feels wrong..." Lola nodded. By now, she had gone up to fetch a book, one covered in dark skin, and with some strange symbols etched onto it. "That's a black magic book, that is," Hilde hissed. "It's illegal to own by order of the king!" "And I promise you the king's library owns several," the healer quipped. "Would you [i]not[/i] like me to look up the answer to what ails your friend?" Hilde blushed. "N-no..." "Than shush. Now you, Milord; how do you feel?" Lola inclined her head.