As close as Frey seemed to confessing, Augustine bit back the urge to press him. The prince would confess in his own time, and Augustine could do nothing to prompt him -- not without driving a deeper wedge between them than there was already. Whatever Frey had to say, the young man would speak in his own time. The prince-apparent could always have asked the Oracle about his younger brother, as the woman clearly knew more than she let on, but such an invasion of Frey's privacy was more than Augustine could consider. Even if he was a brat and a rotten egg most days, Cassius knew there was a lighter side to the boy, and Augustine trusted the dragon's judgment. So as Frey fell back into an awkward silence, Augustine again rested a hand on his shoulder and pressed it gently before letting go of his own accord. "We will have time to speak," he agreed, voice low and soft. "And when you are ready, I will listen. I will protect you beyond the castle walls, and Cassius will, too. Between us, you and Asbel will be just fine." The prince tried for an encouraging smile, though Frey's mood seemed darker than he would be able to lift alone. "Try not to worry about tomorrow. Get some rest, and I will see you at breakfast." With that, and with one final pat on the shoulder, the elder brother left the younger, his own room close by in the adjoining wing.