The days that humans lived on earth are far behind us, we left earth with the military, they needed as many civilians and workers as possible to help with recolonizing after the last world war. The politicians and their hounds of war used their bombs and their orbital strike missiles to end the earth’s life once and for all on the year 5000 AD. There were only maybe, 2,500,000 of civilians, and I don't know the exact amount of soldiers. But I know that they number more than double our numbers, we that made it off of the only home we knew, the only planet we ever lived on, many of us lost loved ones, and much more because of unseen borders and beliefs. However one part of the military from each faction went awol and left their posts to leave the planet behind with us in tow. None of us expected to live after we left earth, but millions of light-years away we found it... a world that was amazing, that was as beautiful as the one we had to leave behind. We landed, and many cried out in happiness and pure unadulterated joy. End of log It’s 5945 Our ancestors left earth because of war, and for the past 900 years we went back to it just as easily, guess that makes us human, my men and I have taken the fight to the enemy, we have stormed their capital, taken their flag, but their leader hides like the coward he is, we need to finish this, there was an old quote, war, war never changes...I scoff at that now, war has changed, when one man can tear down a wall, when one man, one woman, can take out an entire platoon, war has definitely changed. Tanks, fighters, bombers, all of these war machines are left behind on the charred wasteland of our old planet, they are gone forever, instead we fight, with our bodies, with our minds, and with armor, and weapons like the ages past. However these armors and weapons are not like ancient times, they augment everything, mind, body...some would say your soul, I’ve witnessed my second in command wield his hammer, and send an enemy soldier into the void. I've seen others of my unit shrug off anti material rifle rounds like they were dodgeballs, I’ve even not cared when one enemies blade slammed into my shoulder, my armor absorbed everything and I even saw myself crush the man...the boy... this war needs to end, I’ll end it, with my comrades in arms, we shall defeat the cowards and form a new world order, and we shall take the future as ours. End log General Logan Albracht 5th division 92nd platoon code named The Legion the year 6000 A:D or 1000 N:E, N:E meaning new earth, our regime stands strong, we stand strong, my comrades and I forged our new world order, we have taken the lands from the cowards, from the politicians and we have made it perfect, the strong survive, the strong become leaders, anyone not fit, dies, or becomes exiles. We have protected our people, and our ways of life for the past 55 years since my unit and I defeated the last vermin that infected our new home. We have had challengers in the past, whole armies that have fought back, one such skirmish took the use of my legs, with prosthetic legs and neural implants I can walk again but it pains me greatly. So I get around my command center via my chair, I am well respected within the walls of my vast cityscape empire. But outside the walls, outside civilization, word has spread of a resistance one that wishes to topple what my comrades and I bled for. We train the best, and hone them to be our swords, and our shields against the witless, savages that claw at our world. Inside the walls peace prevails, outside the walls, our orders of knights tame the last vestiges of savagery. End personal log Logan Albracht Lord Marshal of the Albracht Empire Welcome one and all, it is with great pride, and great honor that I name you graduates of the Imperial Military Academy, You will get your assignments via how, when, and what class you have graduated from. Legion Class graduates follow me and you shall start crafting your own special arms and armor. You are a graduate of the Legion Class, the highest honor bestowed upon a graduate of the IMA you have proven time and again, your resourcefulness, your uncanny abilities, and your ceaseless devotion to the Empire. You will be sent out of the city to end the last mark against a perfect world, the Resistance everyone has been talking about. You are forged from the honor and strength of Legions past, going back to our Lord Marshal himself. You will be joining the ranks of Echo Squad, they only take the best. Forge your arms and armor graduates, tonight is your last night in civilization, drink up, maybe even find a partner, for tomorrow you learn why we have to wall our city and maintain the barrier above our fair skies. magitech and telekinetic power: During the last great war neural implants and specific body armor could produce the power to move objects with ones mind, and destabilize certain areas of matter. Further testing and experimentation on subjects and armor has yielded many gratifying results, such as granting the use of flames, ice, electricity, and many other destructive forces in ones hands, however despite the label magitech this is not magic, it is merely technology at it’s greatest destructive power it also has led to the implants growth, meaning telekinetics as a whole don’t leave subjects debilitated for the rest of their lives. Whereas the armor upgrades have always been safe on the user neurological implants granting telekinetic force have almost always proven to either kill the subject or cause immense neural strain to the point of their own breaking. Thankfully telekinetic implants have been upgraded since then, and despite the black history of the implants, many key figures in the regime believed the service of telekinetic soldiers was needed above the high death toll. Nowadays there are only minor headaches when stained to and past the limit, however further straining the limitations of one's mental capacity and the implants power could lead to mental degradation and even death. [hider=The Faceless] The Faceless: These are the strangest soldiers employed by the regime, they don their eerie armor, and are sometimes the last force seen during a conflict. They are amazing strategists each and everyone, as well as peerless combatants, wielding either magitech armor, or telekinetic implants, either way they are not to be trifled with, they are known also by the left hand of the regime, whereas the Generals are the right hand, the paragons of the regime, the Faceless act as the Generals and Lord Marshal can not, leveling whatever they need to, killing whoever they need to, to get to their target, if you are what they need to get, dead or alive, you come with them. Appearance for The Faceless, [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [/hider] As you can tell (or maybe not I may not have explained too well) This is a military run City Planet, where soldiers are always out en mass and The Resistance has to hide in the wilderness in deep bunkers that even the high end future radar that the regime uses can not penetrate. Your character has just graduated from the Legion Class of the IMA and are forging your own personal arms and armor (yes you can have a beam sword/weapons like the Faceless, however unlike them it is a beam that encloses an actual blade) Here the old wars and war machines are but a thing of the past, power armor is the key to victory now. As graduates of the Legion Class you will create your own power armor, and have either gone through either magitech armor training, or telekinetic training. However you can not do both, also I would rather not have everyone be one or the other, there will only be two of each as well as what specialization for the two is. More of that in the OOC, also keep in mind you've grown up your entire life never questioning the reasons behind the soldiers always patrolling the streets of your, neighborhoods, market street, and any other street, why would you there is no crime save for the Resistance, however there is also no freedom, but that will become much more apparent later on. You can start in the Resistance if you wish and be an academy drop out, or be older and from the military PM me for details about that however as it's classifed material.