London, England. August 18, 1942 She landed on the roof, her cloak of shadows wrapped around her like a cloak. Something wasn't right about this. Her contact should have been here. She stood up, seeing Big Ben not far away as she looked around for any sign of life. Then she checked her pocket watch, her dark clothing hiding her in the darkness. "Riku said they wee meeting me here...they are late..." The. She sniffed the air and it hit her. Cigar smoke. German cigar smoke. And she sniffed again and she smelled gun powder and....dead skin. She closed her eyes as she heard the steps behind her and a thick German accent said "good evening, ms. Shade....." She turned to see a squad of nazis aiming guns at her and their skull. She faced them fully and she muttered "hello commander....I guess I was set up...." He smiled then she felt pain in her neck and she fell to her knees, blackness taking over as she hit the ground..... Present day Tony was working in his lab, sparks flying as he tried to weld two pieces of metal together, feeling banners eyes on his back. Without looking up he said "Bruce, if you have something to say, just say it. Or your other side might say it with his fists" they had been working in the lab for days almost, but banner had been taking breaks. Tony, like normal, refused to. The project they were working on was too important in his eyes. He went back to welding, waiting for the doctor to answer