Okay, so I the last rp I hosted kinda died off and another that I came up with didn't exactly get out of the drawing board so I hope this one would take off. Alright so there are a number of sci-fi intergalactic nrp's already on this site but I want to give mine as twist. It would probably mimic Frank Herbert's Dune novels because: 1. There would probably be alien life but nothing intelligent (Like Dune worms or space jungle cats or something like that). Which means that this would probably center around Human civilizations and; 2. Everybody would be fighting over a precious resource. I'm thinking that this resource would probably be the primary power source of the future. Without it, the universe would grind to a halt. Think of the stuff as something like fossil fuel to our society that if it disappeared, we're screwed. I've came up with the basics and all but nothing concrete yet. You would probably be one of the planetary governments trying to mine the precious resource on asteroid belts. If this get's enough interest post, I'll go set up the rp itself. Hope you guys join and have a nice day.