Drawing back once he's full enough for now, Dorian watches the youngster with a faint smile. [i]'Much better little one. Now there should be no issue with leaving her here'[/i] Pleased at how quickly the newborn learns Dorian cuntents himself with humming a little tune until he is finished. The young girl looks to him as James pulls away. Even as he looks of confusion and a touch of fear seem to make her want to ask what just happened, a mixture of the night's events, the venom now running through her veins, and the charm still rolling off of Dorian like crashing waves, before she can utter a sound her eyelids flutter close and she goes limp in his grasp. Lowering her on to the hay as James stands the elder smiles at the question. [i]'His voice is much less fevered now. With a full belly, he is sure to be thinking more clearly'[/i] Standing up he carefully brushes the hay from his clothing and looks to the open barn door. [i]'I suppose I could get some work done tonight. The only question is what to do with the boy. . .'[/i] His gaze shifts to the newborn looking at him questioningly. With a chuckle he steps closer to the lad and brushes the little bits of hay still clinging to his clothes. “Now Little one, I go to work.” Stepping back he holds him at arm's length. He looks the young man over to make sure there is no sign of blood or other telling stains and with a smile and nod he murmurs, “Clean as a schoolboy on inspection day. Very good.” Reaching up he brushes his fingers through James's hair. “The reason I followed your hunting tonight is because we are drawn to what reminds us of home.” Gesturing to the girl behind him, then off towards the town beyond he continues. “Those two either smelled like people you once knew, or are from the same part of the world you are. They may even have arrived on the same ship as you.” Dorian nods with a final pat to the boy's head before stepping towards the open door. “In short, it was my way of getting my first real clue after the bonding. I now have a point to start asking questions. There are still plenty of people in the bars and the like, trying to drink away their fear of the monster hunting them like animals.” Looking over his shoulder he gives James a wink. Turning his eyes back to the night beyond the wooden doors he goes on. “I will begin my inquiries in those places tonight. A drunk man is easy to get information from, and he is much less likely to remember being asked the questions. There is only one issue at the moment though.” Turning on his heel he looks to the newborn. The light from the lanterns casts flickering light across his pale face as he surveys James with a look of concentration. “What to do with you. Should I take you with, someone may recognize you, which could be good or bad depending on what questions they ask of you. However, should I leave you in the hotel and go alone, I am not yet sure I can trust that your instincts will not lead you out alone into the night. This too risks someone recognizing you, but without me around to act as a buffer. . .” He hums lightly, weighing his options carefully.