Banner sighed, reluctantly addressing Tony on a subject that, to be honest, he felt rather uncomfortable with. "Steve has been released from his ice capsule for over a few months now and he's adjusting to this foreign society quite well, but don't you recall there being records of another superhuman individual during his prior era?" He knew these rumors might be false, the ramblings of traumatized soldiers from back in the day, but even still, Banner had to wonder. "Steve should know, remember at least." However, asking the solider ripped from time would not be an easy task. Steve is rather guarded about his past and doesn't speak openly about a lot of events that happened. With a tug at his glasses, thumb and index finger rubbed sorely at the bridge of his nose, Banner once again released a held sigh. "I was just thinking," he mused a loud. "If there's another superhuman individual with the same serum as Rogers, it might be worth looking into." * * * "You've broken the fifth rib on your right side, sprained the joint of your left leg and there appears to be damage alongside the central nervous system as well." As she continued to list off his current injuries and diagnosed him, Hawkeye shifted uncomfortably on the examination table. Watching curiously as his doctor's eyes suddenly regained their usual coloring, the Archer smirked and leaned back casually with crossed arms. "Why do your eyes go white when you're using that....that ugh...." The name for her ability escaped him. She smiled, sliding on her latex gloves. "Examination Eyes, sir." Hawkeye loved hearing her speak, so elegant and polite, a proper lady. "So, what now, Doc?" A nickname, but commonly used when addressing her. "I'm going to take a sample of your blood and check for any potential diseases that might have manifested since your last mission." This test required her to draw a vile of fresh blood from Hawkeye's arm, swishing the liquid quickly before dripping a droplet onto her outstretched tongue. He watched his amazement, fascinated as her eyes closed and she immediately began focusing on the chemicals identified within his blood. A technique called Diagnosing Tongue, another of her personalized skills. He waited, patiently and remained silent as she began writing a detailed report of his examination.