As soon as the other body in the bed shifts, jostling the whole thing as it rises without warning, He is awake. [i]'I do not want to get up yet. Perhaps he will let me sleep in. . .'[/i] He suppresses a smirk as the cool clammy hand presses against his chest before being withdrawn swiftly. [i]'Don't suppose he use to touching people. Not in his condition'[/i] Kinn begins sending threads of energy about his body, making sure that the poison from before has worked it's way completely out of his system. [i]'As long as the magics are doing their thing, all of his new blood created after this point should be pure, and untaintable. This will take a long time, and the last withdrawal it going to be interesting. . .'[/i] Kinn groans as his hopes of a late morning are dashed by an elbow to the ribs and a voice calling for him to wake. His eyes crack open, the light in the room wreaking havoc on his head as it seem to pierce directly into his brain. [i]'God, it's been forever since I've had a poison hang-over. This day will not be pleasant'[/i] After a few seconds he blinks a few times and looks to the man who summoned him. [i]'He looks better'[/i] He simply looks at him for a few seconds, then with fluid grace he sits up and moves into a long stretch, His arms arch up over his hid and his muscles flex beneath his skin as he pulls them tight. The movement pulls a few loud pops from rebellious joints and with a sigh he drops his arms down to his thighs. His eyes move to the window and with a glare he waves his hand. With a click the window snaps shut and the shudders follow suit, blocking out some of the sunlight now plaguing the room. Looking to the bed's other occupant he gives the man a blank look, blinking once slowly as he waits. [i]'I wonder which I will be this time. Will I be a lover? No, not with his illness. . .A doctor? Perhaps. I hope he doesn't try to make me a secret. That never works, and it's annoying.'[/i] Raising a questioning eyebrow he simply waits for the man to speak.