Hello all! As I am sure there are many aspiring authors to be found in the halls of this glorious guild, I thought I would see who else out there is anxiously awaiting April 1st? For those of you who don't know what NaNoWriMo is, it stands for Nation Novel Writing Month (which is generally in November) but in both April and July we have a camp! The goal is to write a novel in 30 days. You commit yourself to a word count goal (50k for NaNo, anything you want for camp) and there is a massive support system to kick your pants and make you write. More info can be found at www.campnanowrimo.org My hope for this thread is that it can be a second cabin for all you writers out there, and that we can help each other with our NaNo novels! Perhaps post a synopsis or ask for help solving a plot hole? Though of course you need not commit the conversation in here to your NaNo novel! It can (and should) be anything story based. Have fun!