Hey there my names nytefall, I see you have clicked on my little RP interest check. I have an idea, an idea that I hope can grow and become more than idea. I want this Idea to become so big that everyone is involved with it. But enough about my idea, thats nothing to do with this. This Rp is based around magic, mystery and quest(sort of). Magical creatures, worlds, gods. You name it. The idea I have about this RP is that people can have a character exactly to fit their preferences. May it be a werewolf who works as a part time detective, a vampire with a lust for books, a mage wishing to expand his/her powers or just and ordinary chap trapped in the middle of these three. I want people to add things to the RP rather than me set limits on what you can or cannot be. Obviously there will be limits but we'll get to that later. This RP will be based in normal times. with all action pivoting around a bar called the Abandoned Bar. This bar is where all things strange and magical sit down to have a nice beer and chat about the weather. The bar keeper will start of the main story line once everyone has met up and we'll take it from there. So any takers?