[quote=Kaga] You can have both. .As people who've RPed with me in the past probably know, I really hate making sure that everyone keeps time consistent between all RP locations. That's why I'm real glad that in this RP, I have good reasoning behind not having to worry about it at all! Yet, ironically, everyone here is the most cautious about referencing time between all my RP's... But yeah. Say it's whatever time you want it to be. Time just doesn't make a whole lot of sense in this realm, so I'm not going to even try keeping it consistent everywhere, because it doesn't have to be. [/quote] What will happen if two groups with different perceptions of time meet though? I mean, it's not like I'm really worried about it, it's just that the thought of one character thinking it's still day while another thinks it's dead night amuses me :P.