@Apzac, Erebus is accepted! Just a quick question though, how can he become aware of a shadow without seeing it? Can he 'feel' shadows or does he need to know that there is a shadow somewhere nearby. @Gilgex, I think your character is a little bit too much. Drinking souls, making people explode, making portals, scythe (which is cool though) and armor that you can store inside his body and resurrection sounds a bit much. The main problem is that drinking souls and resurrecting people can be highly annoying for the others. The story and weaknesses are fine. Gives some kind of Superman-esque vibe. Overall: I'm not okay with the soul weapons and resurrecting. (resurrecting is mostly something that supportive superheroes use.) The scythe is cool and portals... I don't know, if it was his major ability I would be okay with it. But not as a minor ability.