[quote=ToskaO]*Psst*... she look's unhealthy because she has a drug problem... Not that she won't take your food... and repay you with a sharp tongue.Adelaide isn't likely a common patron of any cafe's, but is probably a regular at more than one bar. If that's the how Paz know's her, she probably wouldn't recognise him (but she'd act like she did if it meant a free drink!) If you want it to be a two way relationship, the apprentice thing is the only one I see working with both Paz and Adelaide's personalities.Sound's like a plan :) You can count on your new tattoo having some... interesting properties[/quote] Ah, well, it doesn't mean Paz knows about Adelaide's drug problem. He'd still want to feed her :) However after much debate, I think I'll just have Paz working at the cafe that turns into a bar at night place. Adelaide doesn't need to recognize him, but Pazel will remember her as the zombie chick... and want to feed her XD Adelaide can be one of the many victims of Pazel's cooking! [quote=Moon]Something to think about: How do you guys want this party to end? I have a few thoughts of my own.1. It could end peacefully, with our characters leaving the occasion with at least one new connection in the magical world (as in, another player character/family). This offers a lot of time for dialogues between characters during the event and a chance to write as the leader of your family (during the actual peace meeting part of the party), but it lacks proper action and deception, which everyone loves.2. It could end with a fight between two or more families (maybe even started by player characters themselves). The peace treaty breaks down as blood is spilled, sides are chosen, and fancy mansions get trashed. This plays more into the families and would allow alliances between player families as they pick sides, eventually evolving into a kind of mini war between them. For the hunters among us, this option presents a chance to hit the witches while they are weak and divided and maybe even join forces with a family or two with the intent of wiping both sides out. The enemy of your enemy is your friend... until your enemy is dead.3. It could end with a fight between the witches and the hunters right now. A massive raid led by the Order (which could sweep up a few outcasts working the place as well) against this concentrated group of higher ups in the witch world. This gets us into the most action quickly. People will die, a lot of people. This could lead to the survivors of the party (our characters and maybe some stragglers) working towards revenge or even just to survive as the hunters seek to wipe the remnants of the even off the face of the earth.These are just a few options I came up with on the spot. If you guys like any of these, or any parts of these, let me know. And of course, if you have your own ideas don't hold back (do I say this enough?). Up to you guys what direction this story takes.[/quote] Fight! Fight! Fight! I think I like them all, but prefer a mix of 2 and 3 or a mix of 1 and 2. I would like there to be time for dialogues between characters/leaders during the event. If I remember correctly, didn't the idea of assassinating a witch leader come up previously? Is that idea out the window?