Red sat back and watched the group she had been assigned to. A most unusual collection. An aloof French Lady, resentful of being torn away from her life of comfort. A cocksure German huntsman. An almost stereotypical American, headstrong and usually at least half-drunk. And herself, a French peasant girl. If only that was the extent of what she was. Looking around the railcar she wondered for a moment what secrets the others hid. Grinning ruefully to herself she shook the thought away. Best not to pry into others secrets unless you have none yourself. Still, they were expected to work together. Being a little friendly wouldn’t hurt. Opening her basket Red pulled out a loaf of bread and a hunk of cheese wrapped in wax paper. “Would anyone care for a bit of food as we journey?” Red turned to Rose. “Madame, I know you had no time for a repast between your arrival and our… unexpected departure.” She offered the food and a small pairing knife.