Being silent for a short while, Frey nodded before carefully clicking open his door and stepping inside. The window was still broken, and his bed was a bit unmade. Sighing, the prince kneeled next to the like of broken glass. Cupping one hand, Frey swept the broken glass into his palm with his fingers. Once he was sure he had all the glass, Frey walked to the window and turned his hand upsidedown, causing the glass to fall to the castle's garden. As the glass pelted against bird baths, they made soft chiming noises. Frey took a deep breath of nighttime air before lying on his bed and pulling the covers over his head. Time for another nightmare. There was some comfort in knowing so long as he was in the castle, he could not die. However, Frey had developed a technique to surviving these terrors. Simply run away from anything he saw. As his mind drifted into slumber, Frey heard his brother's voice. "...worry about tomorrow..." The next morning, Frey awoke with a gasp, as he did most mornings. Luckily there weren't any people who slept near his room, so it didn't brother them unless Frey happened to scream at the top of his lungs. Sometimes a servant was walking by the hall, but ignored Frey's cries. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, Frey looked out the still-broken window. It was early morning, and Frey would have to eat. His eyes trained to the rope next to his bed. It was part of a system that notified the servants he needed something to eat, and there was even a little speaker. Puling it twice, Frey told the thing, "Bring me breakfast." Then he laid back down with a grumble. After he had been brought his breakfast of marmaladed toast, Frey streched and decided to dress. He walked to the bathroom a few rooms away from his own and washed his face and teeth before heading back to his own room. Making a few faces at his mirror, Frey slowly clothed himself in a vest with a movable, durable undershirt and pants, complete with a small cape-like coat. He didn't own any weapons, and shrugged at the handsome male in the looking glass. With that, he hardened his lips and stomped out of his room, and strode outside. Outside his wing, and out into the pens. The pens aren't what we may think; in fact, they are rather lavish rooms for the creatures that can assume the form of a human. He stopped when he arrived at Cassius' pen. The closed door was very lustrous and mirror like in appearance. Frey knocked, saying, "It's me..." softly. Meanwhile, Asbel had his own visitor right outside his door. Kicking it open and nearly off its hinges, clearly upset, was Bacchus. The old sorcerer had a soft scowl on his usually 'gentle' and 'wise' face. He marched over to the phoenix. "Asbel, the prince came back didn't he? I have heard of your punishment. Curse that woman... Nevertheless, we cannot go against her. I can only wish you luck."