As a fishperson burst through the window with a sword flailing over his head, August near-unconsciously decided to do the sensible thing for once in his young life. That being of course, to get the hell out of the way. He dived behind John and rolled to lessen the impact of the necessary fall, since John seemed to be having enough trouble protecting him and the guy with him without dealing with August accidentally injuring himself during his injury avoidance attempts. Unfortunately, his roll took him directly in the way of a very sharp shard that had been flung to the floor in the general ruckus, which proceeded to stab him neatly in the head as his momentum carried him towards it. Fortunately, the shard was something much more unusual than a sharp bit of metal or glass, and rather than injuring or killing him it sank in neatly and left nothing but a slightly painful memory behind. Well, a slightly painful memory and a sudden, odd feeling of being comfortably coated in warmth that he could feel surrounding him and slowly leaking away into the atmosphere at the same time in all directions. Seeking to soothe the pain in his head with the new, pleasant sensation, he tried to sort of mentally hold onto the warmth fading from him and wrap it around himself more and more, finding that it did the trick after a minute or so. He stood up, taking a moment to notice that he wasn't nearly supporting himself with his cane half as much as he had a minute ago. "Wow, so today's been pretty interesting so far. Need a hand Mr.John? Or maybe you Parker, since there are monsters and stuff around and you don't seem to have a whole lot of throwable snakes. I guess I don't either but I suddenly feel great!"