"Not our problem, human. You bring curse. You no pass." The goblin spat out at her as he poked her again with his sword. Felix did the best he could to stay hidden from the Goblins as they circled the wagon. The green warriors kept their eyes on the humans. The air was growing tense and the young Kato expected a fight to break out at any moment. Felix's eyes focused on the pale hand moving across the cart. In the next instant, the goblin poking Lena had a bolt in his neck and staggered back. Ryder let the heavy crossbow fall back onto the wagon. It bounced off the wood and sort of rolled to the edge of the wagon. It was enough effort on his part and his eyes closed shut again. At best, he could listen now and that was it. The action was the only command that Nicholas needed. The wild captain lept from his seat on the wagon and threw his body across the lead goblin's. They both fell to the floor, but the goblin quickly kicked the sailor off. "Not my brightest idea..." Nicholas drew his sword just in time to block an attack from the goblin. They locked for a moment until Nicholas pulled away. He caught a big whiff of the goblin's foul breath and couldn't stand to stay that close. "What did you eat?" Nicholas ran in for his own attack after realizing he really didn't want to know what a goblin may feast on. The image of it devouring a carcass was difficult to keep at bay. The two attempted to break through the others attack and the goblin was winning. Nicholas developed strong arms over his years of sailing, but it still wasn't enough to maintain a direct defense against goblin strength.