Booker had barely moved as he watched and studied everyone. His face was so calm and innocent as he just stood there, like he was waiting for someone. It wasn't what he was doing though, and his outward appearance betrayed his thoughts. He was gathering information to see who would be the best candidates for a team, and right now, only a few of them suited his needs. It seemed that one girl had suddenly disappeared, but he assumed that she just left to join another group of people. It seemed that a lot of people were already forming groups, and he assumed that he should do the same. Although he couldn't outright pick who he wanted on his team, he could try his best to target certain people and attempt to join them. Booker's ears perked up as he heard someone talking in his direction, and it seemed like a young man had a tight grasp on someone else. He honestly wasn't sure what to say about it, but he continued onward, and made more notes and continued to study all of the remaining people around him.