This is a story of my own device so I hope you enjoy it. It is set 3000 after a massive international war called The Global Confilct which resulted in the destruction of the earth's nations in a baptism of nuclear fire. From the ashes of the old world a post-war empire emerged on the year of the founding (2044) 101 years after the apocalypse, it was called Ventium. It stood for the people and the values of honor, humility, industriousness and equality and it achieved these milestones, but then came The Steamridge Dominian. The Steamridge Dominion was born from the remains of the old world, they crawled out of their 'bunkers', hidden with in the depths of caves and cores of mountians at a date forgotten by history, flying stary flags of red, white and blue, piloting weopens unheard of since before the war, Reapers. Huge mechanical platforms, like ships on the legs of giant spiders, they returned to continue what they started so many centuries ago, world domination and they turned thier sights for Ventium. For From their very inception they were jelious of her industry, her safety, her army, so they sought to destroy what the people of the great empire held dear. The Gladius. The very seat of the government of  Ventium, the highest point on the face of the earth, so high it scrapped the foundations of heaven. And they blew it up, toppling it from the skies. igniting a war that would rival the first global conflict. Ventium retaliated with swift judgement, destroying the dominion's pride, the reapers. From a once mighty fleet maybe even strong enough to challenge our rapture class zepplins, to a pitiful three, the last remaining  goliaths of the old world, and with that task complete, The Ventian Imperial Legions marched into their lands and stood at the brim of thier civilization, and took the war to their people,in a swift, lightning campaign, all the way to their Capitol. Valvepeak.  which in fury the Ventians levelled and tore to the earth and returned it to the dust from which it came. Then they returned home covered in the ash of their enemies victorious, as heroes, conquerers, with tears streaking lines across their ash covered faces, at the sight of the families. But Ventiums glorious victory was short lived, the dominion implanted a terrorist splintercell into their lands, causing the birth of steam land, their one and only foot hold in the continent of destinius, our continent, our home. And with the birth of steam land came the great fracture, the dividing of greater ventium and destinium, in to a collection of rouge states, and with this fracture came Zion, who in time would be unexpectedly the worlds greatest enemy, but that comes later. For now we leave the world of nations and politics and enter the realm, of the people. There are 4 factions: - Ventium: an empire with almost complete air superiority, they really on a mixture of steam power, magic and old tech (they love blue and black). - Zion: a start up nation dedicated to 'magic' (which is essentially lost, advanced old world tech), they are well known for their sorcery (they love purples and greys). - Steamland: the remnance of the steamridge dominion, they use mostly old tech and some steam works (most of the are militaristic so go with red or metallic armor). - Syinide Empire: based around the same design as the roman empire (same clothes/military style), they are mostly reliant on man power but also use steam (lime green and gold/bronze) Your character must be affiliated with one of the factions in some way (you don't have to follow the color scheme). Weapons range from swords to pressure rifles to magic to bows but please stick in the general jist of the genre. Name: Age: Affiliation: Appearance: Items: Weapons: Bio: