I am not rude here when i am saying that it is still pretty powerfull when a single orb can make a person EXPLODE or that you can kill any person by just having contact with it... [quote=Gilgex]The more energy he puts into these projectiles the more deadly they become to the point they can cause a person to explode in a spray of blood. He can also make one of these orbs enter a person tagging them, and detonate the orb at any point in time, however this does have a time limit of five days time. As it uses Grimm's power to maintain that tag. Grimm can open private "windows" in space which allow him to see into unprotected areas, assuming he knows exactly where he should be looking. Once he has familiarized himself with an area, he can open a portal there which he may physically enter to transport himself. His windows are invisible to anyone but himself, or those who have entered his mind. The portals are visible on his side, but invisible on the other end, this allows him to enter locations stealthily. The maximum range he can create a portal is a half mile radius. ~Multiuse nanites that he can regenerate not only himself, but others that he counts as a friend. The other use is for repairing his armor, and weapon, along with small cosmetic changes like skin, and hair color. [/quote] So you can insta kill someone by touching him whenever you want.....you can teleport and get where ever you want just like Night Crawler....aaaand you can heal yourself by all having alien like strength and so on...on your only weakness is some freaking stone nobody knows about and which is pretty are i guess.....