Adoniram's ears flicked up as he heard the name Molech. *They were talking about him in the bar, do they work for him?* he thought to himself before saying "And here I thought we were friends." Adoniram said, tossing the credit chip through the air toward the guards. "You'll have to split the money." Adoniram said as he shouldered back past the guards and into the cantina, the beats from the band sent vibrations through the metal of his armor and gave off a tickling sensation and he waded through the crowd once again. His armor clanked as he sat at the bar and slid his helmet off of his head to place next to him on the table. He placed a finger up in the air and told the droid to bring him some water. Adoniram pulled back the cover of his ropedart case and slid a thin coil of wire from his utility belt to begin wrapping around the bars on the inside. He pulled the cover back over just as the water arrived.