Veyas stood up ready to act hearing the ship horn looking to where the sound came from. "Just the ship horn, blood hell I need to calm down." "Yena, might mightyena" "Sinapu, come on man, I'm not that paranoid. Either way, thats the signal to head to the meeting. Might as well meet the rest of the new guys coming out here." With this he began striding off, his Mightyena right by his side as they worked their way through the crowd. With his new Torchic riding on Sinapu's back, he got many glances by the people seeing this as an odd sight, but Veyas was to focused to care or even notice. Thinking about how cramped his other pokemon must be, when he found a open area compared to the crowds he was fighting he let out the rest of the team, Houndour and Absol, sadly not Rapidash because he knew she wouldnt fit. "Come on guys, almost to the meeting." Reflecting on his years he's traveled and worked as a Ranger, Veyas began wondering about how he'll fare without Charizard and how Charizard is faring without him, he'll have to call up his sister soon, and maybe find out where the rest of his family is. No time to keep thinking though, for he was now at the door to the meeting room. "Alright, time to see the others," he sighed out as he opened the door letting in his 3 'dogs' and Torchic. "Just stay calm you guys, and dont be loud" The only response he got was a mass of barking accompanied with Torchic's chirping. "Anyway, hello everyone, how are all of you? And Mr. David how nice to finally make your acquaintance."