It was a bright and sunny afternoon, just the way Tim liked it. The boy didn't have any place he needed to be, since it was Summer, but he usually liked to spend time outside. As he was walking along, the boy started singing a song from a certain TV show he would never admit to anyone he watched. This wasn't something he normally did, but he figured since no one was around, and the mood was right, what's the harm in breaking out into song right there. ♪There's music in the treetops And there's music in the vale And all around the music fills the sky There's music by the river And there's music in the grass And the music makes your heart soar in reply!♪ His song was interupted by the sound of a dog barking. "Arf!" Startled by the sudden noise, Tim jumped up and squealed. "GAH!" He looked around to see if there was anyone around who might have seen him make a fool of himself. There wasn't, but what he did say made him smile. "Hey girl! How've ya been since the last time I saw you?" Tim said to a familiar grey puppy he had sometimes seen near his house. This dog always seemed to hang around the house, and Tim started feeding her. She was probably a lonely stray that wanted a little attention, and she probably smelled other dogs coming from his house. "I got ya something!" He took out a plastic container from his blue backpack, opened the lid, and pulled out a piece of chicken that was leftover from last nights dinner, and offered it to the dog. He always carried a some food on him, for himself, and for any stray animals he might encounter. The puppy sniffed it first, then started eating up the meat as if she never had a decent meal in her life. Tim smiled and giggled to himself as he watched the dog eat, then she licked his hands when she was finished. "Aw, your very welcome." For a moment, Tim was happy. Animals were his life. They were the best friends he had ever had. Humans however, were an entirely different matter. While he knew there were good people in the world, a lot of the ones he knew were judgemental jerks. If any one of them had caught him singing period, let alone a song from a little girl's show, he'd never hear the end of it. As Tim continued walking, his canine companion followed him, nuzzling at his ankles. Suddenly, a greenish colored vortex opened up in the sky. It was so bright and obnoxious, that Tim couldn't help but notice it. "What is that?" Suddenly, several streaks of light shot out from the center. One of the lights crashed into the sidewalk, right where Tim was standing. Causing the boy to once again jump, and squeal. "AHH!" He shut his eyes, and cowered in fear. Probably not the best thing to do if there were really something dangerous happening, but Tim never thought logically when he was scared. His puppy friend tapped his ankle with her paw, and Tim opened his eyes. "I-i-is it over...?" He looked around, and saw nothing but a giant crater in front of him. At that moment Tim wanted to turn around and go the other way, but for reasons he couldn't understand himself, he had this sudden urge to go see the crater. That strange light coming from the hole in the ground did pique his curiosity. After all, this kind of thing doesn't happen every day. He couldn't just walk away without at least figuring out what just happened. He'd run away as soon as things got too dangerous. As he got closer to the crater, he noticed that the light was coming from a strange gadget he had never seen before. The boy carefully picked the device up, and looked at it curiously. "Whaaa...?" As soon as Tim picked it up, The odd gadget started vibrating and grew brighter. The thing started vibrating, and soon he felt himself vibrating too. Then, there was a blast of light, everything went black, and Tim suddenly disappeared leaving nothing but a small, whimpering puppy. Wondering where her new friend had gone. --- The boy was roused awake by a poking sensation at his side. Followed by a male voice. "Hey dude! Wake up!" Tim really hated being rudely awoken, and he isn't in a good mood when that happens. He hadn't slept well at all, and his head was hurting a lot. The last thing he needed was someone with an obnoxious voice poking him. [i]Alright! Alright! Jeez, I'm up already![/i] He thought to himself. He could never bring himself to actually voice those thoughts, because that was mean. The boy's eyes fluttered open, as he slowly sat up, stretched his arms, and yawned loudly. He looked around, and saw that he was in some kind forest. The grumpiness immediately evaporated, and turned into confusion. "How the heck did I get here?" "Bro, that's what I wanna know..." It was the same voice he heard when he woke up. It belonged to some red and blue creature that Tim had never seen before. Not that this mattered to Tim, because this weird creature was still cute in Tim's eyes. Even if he didn't really care for his voice. "Name's Elecmon! Who are you?" "Um...I-I-I'm Tim..." He muttered nervously as he rose to his feet. Then he bit his lip as he looked around and wondered what to do now. Who knows what dangers lurk in this unknown forest. Then again, it wasn't a good idea to stand around chatting with Elecmon either... Elecmon sighed, and facepalmed. "Dude, don't be a wuss. If ya wanna go, just go. There ain't nothin' in this place I can't handle!" He smiled proudly as he puffed out his chest, and pounded it. Then he took off running. "Come on! Follow me!" Tim slowly walked behind him, while nervously wringing his hands. He wasn't sure if following some strange creature he just met like this was the best idea. Especially one that had called him a wuss, one of his least favorite nicknames. However, he didn't know this forest, and it wasn't like the boy had any other options right now.