Aruna grunted and laid back down against the infirmary bed, her back stating It's protes Lidda was right, she wasn't fooling anyone. The best thing for her to do would be to lay down and let her body heal. But it was hard for her to just sit there. She needed to be out there learning about her mageblood, or training, or at the very least looking for whomever had shot the arrow at her! So, she made a compromise with herself, she would find a way to actively heal as fast as possible, then she would get out faster. And it wasn't a total loss, she could still read about what she missed. Another thing that peeved her was that she didn't like the how open she was in the room she slept in. Of whoever it was that shot her tried to finish the job, she wouldn't be able to put up any kind of fight, but she dismissed those thoughts for another time. She spoke to Lidda in a somewhat pleading voice. "I'm sorry, please I just... I want to get out of here and get to learning as fast as I can. Is there anything I can do to help myself heal and get out of here faster?"