For the most part, Leon didn't fight Euclid's and Rose's actions. How would he? He could barely stand on his feet at the moment, let alone go against two healthy human beings. Not to mention the fact that he had no real reason to fight them to begin with; as dazed as his brain was starting to get due to a combination of fatigue, injury and painkillers, he still knew that they were trying to help him. They seemed to be talking to eachother about something. What, exactly, Leon didn't know. Something about the forests of Ireland and a TV? What was that supposed to mean? "Wait...Why back?," Leon muttered as Rose walked off with him, reacting to the one bit of Rose's rant his brain managed to process. "What if he's there?" It didn't make sense. Why go back to the school after they had ran away from it, possibly walking straight back into GM's hands? Still, he was in no state to resist; if Rose and Euclid were going there, he would pretty much just be dragged along.