Drake looked around the area and grumbled softly. He didn't want anything to do with those damned cages. He stood next to Shade with refusal to move as well. "I would think that there are better places." Moon was not prepared for his abrupt stop. She fell off of his back and landed on her front. A sigh left her as she got up to brush herself off. Her eyes scanned the area. "Come with me." She walked into the buiing and began going down the hall. She lead them to some rooms with large door that a dragon could get into. She opened the doors that led into a very large room. One half had dust cushions on the floor and the other a bed. There was one like it across the hall to. "These were used a long time ago when riders and dragons actually slept in together in partnership. But now dragons are put in cages." Her voice turned dark on the last part.