Odyssia was a yung dragon walking trough the large mountains near a village. She feared humans she never liked them because they hated her real race, Elves. She was cursed elf to take the form of a dragon till she found the man she loved. She was no more then 4 months old and no bigger then a rabbit but her tail was her main weapon. It was like a whip and she would whip anything that came close to her. She climbed up a tree and relaxed up there smiling to herself slowly. Raven was slowly waking up to the morning dawn of the day, she growled annoyed at the morning she was a dragon for night time not day time.She yawned and looking ovewr nudged her rider [I]My Rider please wake up, Morning is upon us[/I] She said, she and her rider where deeply feared through he lands and she knew why. She was immortal and the rider she had had gained small bit of immortality as well. The large dragon lifted her head to the sky looking at it. She was a massive dragon about thirty five feet tall her scales black but her feathered wings deep black an golden trim to it. She was a venom dragon the most dangerous and the last one.