Joseph laughed at Phineas grimly, "Why would they be here to kill us? OR perhaps what you mean to say is they mean to kill you both." He eyed Eliza then Phineas sharply before speaking again, "Look you do whatever you want. I'm getting off this rock." He ran forward, screaming, "I'M HERE MAN! SAVE ME! HELLOOOO!" The man screamed as the craft came back and landed near the sand. The men that began to exit were in military garb the large golden insignia stamped onto the back of the outfits. They spoke a harsh Lybanese and pointed their weapons at Joseph who stopped immediately and fell down to his knees, "I'm unarmed. I'm unarmed." he wailed, panic edging in his voice. They moved forward quickly and a two of the soldiers gripped Josephs arms and pulled him forward so he was lying on the ground. He moaned at the pain then spoke again in the only language he knew, "What are you doing? Let me go! I'm just a civilian." The men spoke harshly to each other shaking their heads and then one of them aimed the gun at Joseph who spoke in a ruggid english, "Are you alone on this island?" Joseph blinked his muscles twitching underneath their boots, "No. It's just me." They spoke softly behind the black mask, "Good." Suddenly a loud gunshot went through the air and Eliza stirred moaning in the sand.