"Alright. We have two days till the heist. So we have time to plan this out. If you think my plan is stupid say so. I don't bite unless you are into that." He joked. He meant it. This was his first time having to lead a group like this and it was scary. He did not let on. "If nothing else then you lot are free to do whatever. There are more facilities than you could ever need so go use them. The gym, training rooms, dorms. We got it all. The dorms are two per person. Sorry but make friends quickly. I promise they aren't small. There were too many of you to get single rooms.So you guys are free but I suggest same gender. Things might get weird if not. I need a roommate so ask me if you need one.. I personally will be in the gym. I have the need to punch something." Booker said sauntering off. He felt like punching something to get the stress out. He had left a map of the base on the bar incase one wanted to get around. He figured it was a good idea. Once there he changed into more appropriate clothes. Just shorts and tee shirt. There was a nasty looking beat up punching bag. Booker wrapped his hands in tape and started wailing on the bag in his own little world.