Having been handed a heavy bag of provisions, Euclid looked to Rose as she carried Leon off toward the Boys' Dormitory. He was surprised that the weight didn't cause any discomfort to the previously aggravated injuries he acquired in his rather abrupt entrance into the academy. In fact, he felt alright, mobile, able. Slinging the bag over his shoulder, he followed Rose and Leon, being behind them by only a few feet as he started to wonder about this realm's paradoxical state. The timeframe in which he arrived was distorted, as well as the locations; patches of multiple realities existing together on one plane, his own creations linking with those of other people. It was enough to give him a headache, but he had no time to think of it now. Leon's assumptions could be correct. If he were able to easily find them, there was no doubt that GM could but, for some reason, the man was nowhere to be found. It was odd, and the thought lingered as Euclid brought up the rear of the group on their way to the dormitory.