Hivekiller, you're fine. I understand what you're talking about. :) The way of going about it, actually isn't that bad of an idea. It's actually pretty good! I have a suggestion, though. Instead of just choosing a person to die, I would say to assign each character a number 1-12 and then, whenever you're ready, use a random number generator to give you a name. You can even break it up a little if you want. I'm going to try and lay this idea out in a way it can be easily understood. It won't be very complicated, but explaining it might be. Lol. Let's say these are five characters in the RP. Jenn Rick Mae David Roland Each character is assigned a number 1-5. This is done randomly. Jenn - 4 Rick - 1 Mae -2 David - 5 Roland -3 15 posts go by and it is time for something to happen. You go to [][/url] and in the little box to the side you put the minimum number at 1 and the maximum number at 5. Click 'Generate'. It gives you the number 3. Roland is number 3. This is where you will let Roland know that he is going to die and he must do so within the next 3 posts. This is just an idea of keeping it fair without any type of bias. I use a lot, and I love it.