Nice. We have by now gathered more details about the idea: We will be clones in the 1st battalion of the 2nd regiment of the 67th legion (does not appear anywhere in canon so freedom applies). The 67th legion is a reserve legion, one deployed in different planetary sectors as needed, and as a result is a very specialized legion compared to its brethren. The 67th legion is trained as a purely offensive force designated to break through the worst stalemates. They use brutally agressive tactics involving many rather reckless and daring assaults with high coordination and mobility. They are specialized in taking ground really quickly and then keeping it untill a defensive perimeter is set up. As a result they are best at attacking all positions, keeping them, and counter-attacking. Due to their specialized array of tasks their clones have all been given limited ARC-trooper training, as outfitting an entire legion with ARC trooper training would be a waste of budget. Nevertheless, their clones are on average a lot more individual and creative than others. This inventiveness aids them greatly in improvizing tactics in the chaos of a quick and brutal mobile offensive. They are also very adept compared to even ARC-troopers at close range combat, both in melee and in firefight situations. A side-effect of this is that they are theoretically speaking a legion that is perfect for taking down extremely high-risk targets such as jedi or sith... Despite their offensive role the 67th legion uses relatively few vehicles. They have a limited supply of heavy AT-TE walkers for a determined offensive on all terrains, but their signature vehicles are the well-known LAAT/i gunships, or 'Larties' that allow great flexibility and provide very efficient air support, in combination with fast and mobile packs of AT-RT's. These are supported by a hardy and mobile infantry force that is very flexible in terms of equipment. They also posess limited artillery in the form of AV-7 Antivehicle Cannons which are just like every vehicle in the 67th legion's arsenal carried into battle by the battle-proven LAAT/i. Also, very important: Our clones will bear green colour markings on their armour in normal combat, but have camouflaged armour in reserve for different environments. We use the standard clone weaponry, the DC-15A blaster rifles and the DC-15S blasters, dependant on the soldier's preferences. (Ofcourse, some units will also carry the sniper rifle variants, rocket launchers, chainguns, ..., dependant on their tasks) Result for plot: We will be fighting on countless fronts on many different planets and systems, a buttload of diversity. Due to our agressive and mobility-favouring combat nature and our focus on infantry and light vehicles we are also ideal for marine boarding actions, so even in space battles we'll do just fine. Wookiepedia liks for researching if you want to: