[quote=Lexzah] Arydun started to look rather sad when all she got for her efforts was an okay, thinking that he didn't care about what she was going through as she hung her head a little "Spirit dragons never lie" The dragoness responded in a saddened voice. She started to think that maybe she had been wrong about humans and that they didn't care for the suffering of others, that is what her parents use to tell her when she was but a hatchling but she never use to believe it. She was just about to accept that this was the way humans were until Ren started to speak again, slowly lifting her green eyes to look to him as he spoke about having nothing else to do for his day. Her mood and expression instantly brighting up when he spoke about saving a race while paying for the food."Really?" She questioned "Thank you, thank you so much!" The Dragoness exclaimed as she leapt from her seat and wrapped her arms around Ren's neck, hugging him rather awkwardly and crushing him a little to [/quote] "..." Ren was silent. Not because he was angry, or happy, or had nothing really to say. No, it was because he couldn't even make a noise with the degree of strength this girl was embracing him with. The most he could get out was a croak that sounded somewhere along the lines of "peas let grow." Which, while technically a proper sentence, wasn't exactly what he was attempting to convey. Hopefully Arydun would get the goddamn message, though and loosen the frig up so they could actually get to [i]doing[/i] shit. Doing his best to squirm his way out of her grasp, Ren tried once more to get what he was saying out there. "...Let go," he said quietly and bluntly before saying, "...and can we just get to work?" [i]'Since standing here's not doing anything and letting people watch as you hug me is friggin' useless, after all,'[/i] Ren thought, rolling his eyes. "What's the first objective?"